Modern days are the era of Social Networks. People love to share what they like and what they are reading with their friends instantly from the websites they are visiting. In today’s article, we are going to provide you with our Top 5 WordPress Social Media sharing plugins which you can use to let your visitors share what they love. Plus 1 bonus !
So lets get started with-
WP- Socializer
As the developer of the plugins said, “Super Cool Plugin for inserting all kinds of Social Bookmarking & Sharing buttons. Has customizable Floating Share Bar, Widgets, Shortcodes also. ” – It’s really a great tool to have for social sharing. WP Socializer is an advanced plugin for inserting all kinds of social bookmarking & sharing buttons. It has super cool features to insert the buttons into posts & sidebar. It also has floating sharebar.
Digg Digg
Digg Digg is your all in one share buttons plugin which adds a floating bar with share buttons to your blog. Just like Mashable! It has lots of cool features so just go to their plugin page to see those.
Sharebar adds a dynamic and fully customizable vertical box to the left of a blog post that contains links/buttons to popular social networking sites. For wide blogs, a vertical bar with popular sharing icons appears on the left of your post. If the page is resized below 1000px (default), the vertical bar disappears and a horizontal sharebar appears under the post title.
Socialize provides an easy way to selectively add actionable social sharing buttons to your posts content or below the post in a ‘Call To Action’ box.
Get Social
GetSocial adds an intelligent, lightweight, quick to setup floating social media sharing box on your blog posts. Teronga uses this plugin. 🙂
Bonus: JetPack by
As per the developer, you can supercharge your WordPress site with powerful features previously only available to users.
Features include:
- Simple, concise stats with no additional load on your server. Previously provided by Stats.
- Email subscriptions for your blog’s posts and your post’s comments.
- Social networking enabled comment system.
- Simple, Akismet-backed contact forms.
- The URL shortener.
- Hovercard popups for your commenters via Gravatar.
- Easily embedded media from popular sites like YouTube, Digg, and Vimeo.
- For the Math geeks, a simple way to include beautiful mathematical expressions on your site.
- A widget for displaying recent tweets. Previously provided by Wickett Twitter Widget
- Your readers can easily share your posts via email or their favorite social networks. Previously provided by the Sharedaddy WordPress plugin.
- Your writing will improve thanks to After the Deadline, an artificial intelligence based spell, style, and grammar checker. Previously provided by the After the Deadline WordPress plugin.
- With Carousel active, any standard WordPress galleries you have embedded in posts or pages will launch a gorgeous full-screen photo browsing experience with comments and EXIF metadata.
- A CSS editor that lets you customize your site design without modifying your theme.
- A mobile theme that automatically streamlines your site for visitors on mobile devices.
- Mobile push notifications for new comments via WordPress mobile apps.
- and many more to come!
So now start getting right into it and utilize these plugins to make your website look more attractive and cool. 🙂
In present tome we all are mostly involved in social network. Its a nice way ro keep in touch with friends and family.
WordPress is the most powerful and popular for blogging. Plug in’s makes it more attractive. Nice share.
JetPack is a great plugins.. I just saw it!
DIG DIG is great.. awesome share .. waiting for more like this.. 🙂