Ginger is known to be useful as an ingredient for cooking and health recipes, but there are some beauty benefits of using ginger.

Here are some the benefits of ginger for beauty:

  1. For Acne Treating

Take ginger and peel it, then slice it ​​to a thickness of ¼ inch. Clean your face with water, then apply the ginger to your whole face, and then gently massage. Rotate the ginger around the face till the oil comes out of it.

  1. Normalize oily skin

Ginger is great for treating oily skin. Some minerals found in ginger actually eliminate oil production especially when mixed with some other ingredients such as sea salt, cinnamon and nutmeg.

How to:
Take a teaspoon of sea salt, grated ginger, ground cinnamon and nutmeg. Mix it all together and add enough water until it becomes like dough and can be applied. Apply on the face, leave it for 20 minutes, the rinse with cold water until your face is clean.

  1. Brighten dull skin

If your skin is looking dull, you can try to brighten your skin by making your own ginger face mask. Ginger can improve circulation in the body. Peel the ginger and then grate it. Then mix the ginger with sesame oil until it becomes like dough. Apply the mixture on the face. Leave it relax for 10 minutes. Then rinse with clean water.

  1. Remove dead skin cells

One of way of ensuring smooth and bright skin is by removing dead skin cells. Ginger granules will gently remove dead skin cells. Ginger combined with sea salt and orange peel will act as an excellent removal of dead skin cells.

How to:
Mix two cups of sea salt, two tablespoons of orange peel slices and three drops of ginger juice. Mix well then apply on the whole body with circular massage  movements. Rinse with cold water. Do it once a week to ensure smooth, silky and bright skin all over your body.

  1. Smoothing Hair

 Rough and dull hair can be softened with ginger. The content of essential ginger oil can soften hair successfully. Ginger oil combined with olive oil is an excellent mix for smoothing overall hair.

How to:
Take two tablespoons of ginger juice and mix with two tablespoons of olive oil. Stir well, then apply on hair and scalp. Leave it  stand for 25 minutes and then wash your hair as usual. Do it twice a week.

By xnik

2 thoughts on “Beauty Benefits of Using Ginger”
  1. For Normalize oily skin: If i don’t have those other materials then is it also helpful to use it without those ingredients ??

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