Hair loss is common among both men and women, and many seek to treat it using chemical solutions, hair plugs and even surgery. Age, menopause, pregnancy, genetics, illness, and other factors all play a role in hair loss. But often it can be caused by pollution, the misuse of hair care products, frequent coloring, poor diet, and certain medications or over processing of the hair. These causes of hair loss can sometimes be reversed.
There are many methods to regrow hair like taking drugs or hair transplant or fusion, but what if you can do it in a chemical-free and inexpensive way? Yes, you can start using it right now!


1. Honey :

Honey is a powerful antioxidant that also has great fungicidal and germicidal properties. Honey is an emollient which means it is a natural softener. This makes it a great hair conditioner that smoothens your hair. It also improves the health of the hair follicles which are responsible for hair growth. Researchers say that proper use of honey of treatment of hair can waken up the sleeping hair follicles which boost the growth of hair.

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2. Egg yolk:

Although eggs are one of the most commonly used foods in the kitchen, they are useful for more than just baking and cooking. Hair is composed of 70 percent keratin protein, so egg protein helps rebuild damaged hair by filling in weakened spots along the hair strand, which temporarily strengthens the hair. Eggs contain a large amount of protein–ranging from 3.6 to 6.5 g per egg–which makes egg conditioning an intense protein treatment. Including egg conditioning in your hair regiment can help you maintain strong hair, which is essential for growth.

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3. Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera is believed to be a good natural herbal remedy for hair loss. There is little scientific evidence to support aloe Vera as a cure for baldness. It can reduce flaky, itchy scalp and reduce dandruff. Aloe vera gel also helps reduce sebum, or oil, on the scalp.


4. Olive oil:

Olive oil has long been used as a great way to promote skin health. It also helps the skin of your scalp, and that can in turn boost the health of your hair. Olive oil, as part of a regular hair care regimen, can help your hair and scalp reach their healthiest potential. Make olive oil for hair growth a regular priority in your hair care.


5.Castor oil:

Castor oil has natural antibacterial and anti-fungal properties and is high in Vitamin E, minerals, proteins, and Omega 6 and 9 beneficial fatty acids. Its unusually high ricinoleic acid ratio makes it beneficial to skin and hair. Castor oil can be used on the scalp to help prevent and remedy hair loss. It’s antibacterial and anti-fungal properties make it beneficial against folliculitis, dandruff and scalp infections and its ricinoleic acid content helps increase circulation to the scalp and improve hair growth.


Here’s an easy and quick recipe to stop your hair loose and regrowth your hair, you can prepare it at home and they are all safe! (According to you hair)

 What you will need:

1.Honey – 2 tablespoon
2.Castor Oil- 4 tablespoon
3.Egg Yolk- from 1 egg
4.Aloe Vera – 2 tablespoon
5.Other Oil (olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba)- 2 tablespoon

How to apply:

1. Mix all these ingredients in a jar.
2. Make sure that they are mixed properly. This will make it more effective and easier to work with.
3. Start with damp, but not wet hair. This will help the oil absorb better into your hair. A quick way to dampen your hair is to fill a spray bottle with water, and spraying just your scalp.
4. Scoop a little bit more mixture onto your fingers, and rub it between your palms. Then, run your hands across your hair. Use your fingers to comb your hair; this helps distribute the ingredients. Again, start with a small amount.
5. Cover your hair with a shower cap. Wait for 2 hours.
6. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

Use it at least once in a week. Keep in mind, however, that you may not see any results the next day. Try using the treatment for four weeks before moving onto something else.

By Mahbuba Hoque

Mahbuba Hoque is the Adviser & Stuffing Manager at TechnoCrews. She is regularly contributing to the Teronga blog as an Editor of this blogzine.