Tools are the vital  feature of WordPress for Bloggers to manage their blogs. Tools in WordPress as well as in blog are used to import and export blog contents. WordPress provides us a lot more extra features than

How it works with Blogger!

In you might know about Import, Export and Delete Tools. These tools are used to import, export content from blog. You can find it in Settings -> Basic option. (see image below)

How it works with WordPress!

WordPress also gives us similar options for import and export posts and comments from many other blogging platform.

You can find three options Tools, Import and Export.

Tools in WordPress

  • Click on Tools menu it will help for quick posting from your favorite blog. This option gives you a facility for Press This and Use This tools.
  • The Press This tool allows quick posting and publishing through the use of a special web browser that you want to share.
  • You can create a shortcut to allow “Press This” in your browser’s tool bar. “Press This” is a cool and convenient way to get content,images and videos that you would like to share on your blog.
  • The Use This tool is used to convert Categories into Tags and vice-versa.

Import with WordPress

In Import tool only imports the content from other blog’s xml file, but WordPress Import tool imports content from many other services.

Export in WordPress

In Export option downloads all the content from your blog, but in WordPress Export is used to download all the content of WordPress blog into your local computer system with many options, while exporting content like Date, Authors, Categories, Content type and Status.


On you can easily import from another blog in blogger whereas with WordPress you can import a blog from, Live Journal, Type Pad and obviously WordPressWordPress’s export gives us great number of  additional options to specifically download certain type of content like categories, authors, post tags etc.

By Mizanur Rahaman Mizan

I dream for a great Future for all. I do business with my ITES brand named TechnoCrews . I regularly blog on and MizPress plusalso write content for others. Of course as a freelance writer. I love WordPress and I love to give new ideas a life for my clients.