In this world there are many mysterious places that curious to visit, one of the mystery skelaton lake Roopkund in Uttarakhand, India.
This lake is a glacier lake at an altitude of 5.029 meters, in the Himalayas. Glance, nothing special in this lake, but if the ice melts on the lake, visitors can see hundreds of skulls scattered on bottom of the lake, or floating in the water. It was a scary sight
The lake was discovered by a reserve ranger in Uttarakhand at 1942, but been a lot reports about the existence of the lake skeleton since the end of the 19th century.
There are about 500 skeleton were scattered on the lake, many of the assumptions about who’s skeleton it was. Some say that it is the skull of the Japanese soldiers who tried to infiltrate into Indian territory but died due to hostile terrain. Even many who consider mass murders have occurred in the area.
But according to the research team’s investigation of the UK, concluded that the remains of skeleton is not the Japanese.
There are some British researchers who deployed to examine the remains of skeleton, they assume that the skull remains of General Zorawar Singh of Kashmir along with his men, who got lost and died in the middle of the Himalayan region because of bad weather after returning from the battle Tibet in 1841. But the results of radio carbon research in 1961 does not support that assumption.
There’s also assume that the remains of skeleton was the victim of an epidemic that occurred in the region several centuries ago. Even anthropologists say, any ritual suicide in the lake.
The bright spot of who’s skeleton it was and what the cause of of death began to unfold in 2004 when scientists from Europe and India did some deep research in the area by order of the National Geographic Channel.
After DNA tests on the remains of the skull, found there are two different physical categories, the first is quite high human body. Later they were known as the traveler who wants to make pilgrimages to India via the Himalayas. The second type is local people, visible from their posture that is not too high. As well as from the study showed that carbon skeletons was once lived around the year 850 AD.
Strangely, all of these skeleton death in the same way, found a fatal blow on the back of their heads, the wound is not of weapons, or avalanche or landslide, but from something that is round, like a cricket ball. The absence of injuries to other body parts indicated that a hard round object fell from above. And the only explanation that makes sense is that they died because of falling ice balls rain or hailstorm.
Roopkund area is not a trade route to Tibet, but a few centuries ago this area was the cult pilgrimage route of Nanda Devi, who did the celebration every 12 years.
It may be the remains of the skull is a group of pilgrims who numbered about 500-600 people. They hire a porter to carry the bags of their stuff to pass through the high mountains of the Himalayas. When they arrived at the lake to rest and get fresh air, suddenly there came a cloud of hail, while in the area is an open area and there is no shelter, finally a group of pilgrims were killed of powerful hailstorm. And the iced lake has frozen their skulls until hundreds of years, even some of the skull still had hair, nails and clothes.
This story is strengthened also by the stories of villagers around that used as the song of elderly women, which tells the anger of a goddess, which then dropped hailstorm in the holy Himalayan. It may be that this legend is the story of several people who survived from the hailstorm, and safe themselves to the village around the lake.