It is very commonly seen that Boys are very eager to take the attraction of Girls.  For this reason, they are taking some steps to draw the attraction of Girls. Sometimes they get success or failure.

If you want to draw the attraction any girl you have to know the basic things that a girl like. Here are given some tips for girls on what she likes and how they can be attracted by boys:

What Types of Boys do Most Girls like


Being Intelligent

Everyone likes an intelligent boy. Every girl wants that the boy she is choosing must be intelligent from his attitude, behavior, and his all movement.

An intelligent understands any situation and he knows what needs to do in that kind of situation and how to handle that. He can keep safe a girl from any kind of situation.


Glamor looks

The whole world is the worshiper of glamor looks. This a great quality of a guy which hides his other lacking. The glamor looks don’t mean that you have to be white skinned body or a good high.

The glamor looks are how you are looking and how you present yourself. A black-skinned boy can have a glamorous look by presenting himself more politely.


Being comfortable when they talk

A girl likes that kind of boy who is being comfortable when they talk with her or others. You have to be a comfortable voice to make understand your feeling.

A comfortable voice is very helpful to everyone. Because it helps you understand what you want to express. Sometimes it helps you to make your task easy.


Having a good sense of humor

It is very pleasant to a girl that a boy who is chosen by her has a good sense of humor. It helps a boy to attract a girl. These impress a girl to choose the boy.

And it helps to realize the girl that it is not wrong to choose him as her partner. As a result, she can take his decision faster.


Being a trustworthy guy

Every girl wants a guy whom she can trust, with whom she can share anything, whom she will need to get any time she needs. It is very tough for a guy to achieve the trust of a girl. You have to ensure that you are the right person whom she can trust. Then you will get the heartiest love of that girl.


Having a Good amount of wealth

Nowadays the mentality of girls’ has changed a lot. They become more clever and professional also. To take any kind of decision, they think about their future and its security.

As a result, most of the time, they make an affair with one another but marry another. Because the guy who has her affair is not wealthy. For that, he wants a better choice for his future security.

If you have wealth and money, you can impress any girl easily. You need not have other qualities. People don’t talk lies that Money is sweeter than everything.


By Mahbuba Hoque

Mahbuba Hoque is the Adviser & Stuffing Manager at TechnoCrews. She is regularly contributing to the Teronga blog as an Editor of this blogzine.